About two months later D'Artagnan happened to be walking slowly past the church of St. Leu in Paris, when his attention was attracted by a lady descending the church steps. She was not only young and very beautiful, but clearly a great lady, for behind her walked two attendants. As she turned to give an order to one of the attendants, D'Artagnan's heart jumped, since he recognized in her the lady of Meung, the lady whom the man with the scar had addressed as Milady.
Fortunately for D'Artagnan she did not recognize him, and so he was able to follow her without being noticed. Just round the corner she got into her carriage, and he heard her order her driver to take the road to St. Germain, a fashionable place just outside Paris.
D'Artagnan's deep interest in Milady was not merely on account of her great beauty, which most certainly attracted him. He felt certain that she was one of the Cardinal's spies, and he was anxious to discover the mystery that surrounded her. Moreover, she had spoken to his enemy, the man with the scar, and therefore she must know him. By following her he might be led to the man or in some way or other find out something about him.
It was clearly useless to follow the carriage on foot. So, hastening to the Guards' stables, he obtained a horse and was soon on his way also to St. Germain.
His search there for signs of the coach was not long. He saw it drawn up in a quiet side-street, and close to it was a richly dressed gentleman on horseback.
The gentleman and Milady were engaged in a lively conversation. D'Artagnan approached and stopped on the other side of the carriage, unnoticed except by the pretty lady's maid sitting facing her mistress.
They were speaking in English, a language of which D'Artagnan did not understand very much, but he could see that the beautiful, noble-looking English lady was in a great rage. Suddenly she stopped speaking and struck the gentleman angrily with her fan, with such force that it broke into small pieces.
The gentleman laughed as Milady sat back, twisting and tearing her handkerchief in helpless fury.
To D'Artagnan this appeared to be a very suitable moment to interfere. So, taking off his hat, and bowing low, he said: "Madam, will you allow me to offer you my services? It seems to me that this gentleman is annoying you. You have only to command, Madam, and I will punish him for his lack of manners."
Hearing these words, Milady turned in surprise and eyed the young man. Then she answered quietly in French: "Sir, I would certainly place myself under your protection if the person with whom I am quarrelling were not my brother."
"Oh!" said D'Artagnan. "I hope you will excuse me. I did not know that. Madam."
"What does this stupid fellow want?" asked the gentleman, bending down to the carriage window. "Why does he not go about his business?"
"Stupid fellow yourself!" shouted D'Artagnan, bending also and answering on his side through the carriage window. "I do not ride on because it pleases me to stop here."
The rider then spoke a few words in English to his sister.
"I spoke to you in French," said D'Artagnan. "Why do you not answer me in the same language? You may be Madam's brother, but, fortunately, you are not mine."
One would certainly have thought that Milady, timid as women are generally, would have tried to stop the quarrel. On the contrary, she sat back in her carriage and calmly told her driver to drive back to Paris.
The pretty lady's maid was clearly impressed by D'Artagnan's good looks. She hardly took her eyes off him, and there appeared an anxious look on her face when the carriage drove off, leaving the two men facing each other.
Milady's brother made a movement as if to follow the carriage, but D'Artagnan stopped him.
"It seems to me, sir," said he, "you are stupider than I am, since you forget that there is a little quarrel between us to be settled."
"Do you wish to take advantage of an unarmed man?" said the Englishman. "You can see plainly that I have no sword."
"I hope you have a sword at home. If not, I have two and will lend you one."
"That is not necessary," said the Englishman. "I am well supplied with such playthings."
"Very well, sir," answered D'Artagnan, "pick out the longest and come and show it to me this evening."
"Behind the Luxembourg. There is an excellent spot at the side of the monastery for the game and I will teach you how to play."
"Excellent! I'll be there."
"At what time?"
"Six o'clock; and have you by any chance one or two friends?"
"I have three who would be delighted to join in the game with me."
"Three? Excellent! Three is just my number," said the Englishman. "By the way, who are you?"
"I am M. d'Artagnan, a Gascon gentleman, serving in the King's Guards. And you?"
"I am Lord Winter, Baron of Sheffield."
"Very well, then, at six o'clock this evening," said D'Artagnan, turning his horse and riding off back to Paris.
As was usual in such cases, he went straight to Athos's rooms and related to Athos all that had happened.
The two immediately sent their men for Porthos and Aramis, and when they arrived told them of the meeting arranged for that evening behind the Luxembourg.
Porthos drew his sword and, waving it in the air, boasted of what he would do to his opponent.
Aramis went quietly to another room to finish a poem on which he was working, and asked them not to disturb him until it was time for the duel.
Athos made a sign to his man, Grimaud, to fetch him another bottle of wine.
D'Artagnan occupied himself in thinking out the details of a little plan about which we shall read more later on. The plan promised him some agreeable adventure, judging by the smiles which passed over his face from time to time.